in News A.C.S. Event
Last night’s Lemac was quite interesting. I got to play with the new
Corporate work is a different experience to drama, but interesting none the less. Steadicam unrehearsed through a store following customers is a novelty.
We finally finished principal shooting this weekend. There are still a few pickups to do, but it’s pretty much done. Post is in the hands of the DP Chris Tomkins and the Director Marisa Brown of
Part II of the arcane art of the DIT is over on the Painting HD Cameras Part II
in News Public Enemy
Here’s an interesting article on how and why Public Enemy was shot as it was.
Well it’s finally over. Sadly I cannot post any screenshots. I was given permission to post them, but not allowed access to the footage to gather them from. Go figure…
in News VLC Player
Version 1 is now out. Open source, Win32, Mac, Linux, plays almost video format natively.